TechTogether: Seattle
May 13th - 14th, 2023 @ Bellevue College
Join us for a 2-day hackathon serving people of underrepresented genders (like women, trans, and non-binary folks) hosted by community leaders across Washington. The event will take place May 13th - May 14th at the U Building 301 at Bellevue College.

Want to be part of the largest gender-inclusive Hackathon community?
Our mission is to open doors for ciswomen, transwomen, transmen, non-binary, agender and every other marginalized gender in the hackathon community. We want to create safe and inclusive spaces for you!
If you'd like to learn more about our TechTogether program and it's impact, visit our website. To join our community, simply come to one of our events!
Venue & Transportation
This event will be in-person at the U Building 301 at Bellevue College: 3000 Landerholm Cir SE, Bellevue, WA 98007
Participants can start arriving at 9:30 am on May 13th and the event will conclude at 3:30 pm on May 14th. Participants will need to arrange their own transportation to and from the event.
This hackathon takes place over a from Saturday - Sunday. Here's what you can expect from the two days.
May 13th
Doors Open
9:30am PT
Opening Ceremony
11:30am - 12:05pm PT
Hacking Begins
12:05pm PT
1:00pm - 2:00pm PT
Workshop Hosted by Microsoft
Create a portfolio website with Azure
2:00pm - 3:00pm PT
Workshop Hosted by CapitalOne
Introduction to Python & APIs
3:30pm - 4:30pm PT
5:30pm - 6:30pm PT
MLH Mini Game
Painting with Bob Ross
7:00pm - 8:00pm PT
May 14th
Mini Event
Spa Time
2:00am - 2:30am PT
9:00am - 10:00am PT
Hacking Ends
11:30am PT
12:00pm - 1:00pm PT
Judging & Expo
1:00pm - 2:30pm PT
Closing Ceremony
3:00pm - 3:30pm PT
Meet our Partners
We're lucky to be supported by some of the world's top developer brands.
Want to join them? Let's talk.
Check out the fun challenges you can solve over the weekend for the chance to win a prize!
Best Use of Microsoft Cloud for Your Community
Bring your idea to life using the Microsoft Cloud - automatically build and deploy a full stack web app from a code repository, create and train a Machine Learning model, develop business applications with little to no code using Power Platform, and more! View our recommended popular solutions in the Education Hub at Build your hackathon project with the Microsoft Cloud that tackles a social impact issue of your choice, and have a chance to win a LinkedIn Premium 12-Month subscription and an XBox Ultimate 3-Month Game Pass.
Microsoft Passport Challenge
Are you ready to travel around the Microsoft universe? Complete the following three (3) activities to receive a TechTogether sticker pack and digital certificate! Submit your entry here once you're done with all the activities:
Stop 1: Sign up for Azure for Students! Navigate to the link above and sign up for Azure for Students. Students, get Azure for free courtesy of Microsoft Azure. Full-time college students are eligible for a free Azure account with $100 in credits. Stop 2: Create a GitHub repository! Navigate to GitHub and create a GitHub Repository. Stop 3: Deploy a Service to Azure! Using your Azure for Students subscription, deploy any Azure service. It’s incredibly easy to get started, with Quickstart Templates and user guides on Microsoft Docs. You can deploy any code you have from your Github repo directly into Azure as well.
For step-by-step instructions to complete this challenge, check out the Devpost page
Best Financial Hack with Capital One
Capital One would like to challenge everyone this weekend to create the best financial hack. Each member of the winning team will be awarded $250 Amazon gift cards. While it’s not necessary to use, Capital One also has an awesome API you can utilize for your hack this weekend! (
Most Creative Use of GitHub
GitHub is one of the best ways to collaborate, push code, get feedback, and show the world what you’ve built during a hackathon. To take it a step further, GitHub is now offering you access to industry tools, events & learning resources through something called GitHub Global Campus. Win this weekend’s Most Creative Use of GitHub prize category, first by signing up for GitHub Global Campus and second by using a GitHub repository to host your hackathon project’s code! Make sure your use of GitHub stands out with a detailed ReadMe page, meaningful pull requests and collaboration history, and even a GitHub pages deployment!
Each member of the winning team will get a GitHub Octocat Puzzle & Sticker bundle
Planting the Seed for the Earth (Best Sustainability Hack)
This sustainability challenge invites you to develop a hack that provides an innovative and practical solution that promote sustainable development.
Each member of the winning team will get a TechTogether water bottle and a cute bento lunch box.
Planting the Seed for Access (Best Accessibility Hack)
This accessibility challenge invites you to develop a hack that promotes accessibility and inclusion for people. Each member of the winning team will get a TechTogether bucket hat and nature-themed mouse pads.
Planting the Seed for New Beginnings (Best First Time Hackers)
This best first time hacker challenge is made to welcome new hackers (and those who work with beginners)! You are eligible for this category if at least half of your team is made of 1st time hackers. Each member of the winning team will get a TechTogether bucket hat and a Rocketbook.
Planting the Seed for Bloom Season (Best Design)
This design challenge invites you to develop a hack with innovative and visually appealing user interfaces (UI) and user experiences (UX). Each member of the winning team will get a TechTogether bucket hat and a lego orchid set.
Planting the Seed for Growth (Most Growth)
This growth challenge invites you to get out of your comfort zone – learning is an important aspect when you are working on a project. Were you set in the knowledge you came to the event with or did you branch out and try new things? Create a project using new technologies and show off what you have learned at demos on Sunday! Each member of the winning team will get a TechTogether water bottle and a cute flower lamp.
Planting the Seed for Connections (Most Engaged)
This connectivity challenge invites you to develop in-person connections throughout the TechTogether Seattle event through fun activities and active participation. Each winner will get a TechTogether water bottle and a self-heating flower kitty mug.
Best Domain Name from
Register a .Tech domain name using during the weekend for your chance to win a branded prize for you and each member of your team! Each team may submit one entry per person on the team. The more creative the domain the better!
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the most common questions we hear and their respective answers.
What is a hackathon?
Who can attend?
Where do I submit my solution/project?
I am not part of a marginalized gender, but I'm an ally. How can I support your event?
Have a different question? Check out the full FAQ here.